Best pitch presenter you’ve ever seen:
Likely biased, but Michelle Owen – fellow West Country resident and (at least used to be) 5 a-sider

Best sports marketing campaign (that wasn’t yours):
The Patagonia ‘What’s Next’ campaign – localising climate change, validating what humans can do, highlighting why our metrics of success are not going to make for a happy life and rousing us to act

Best agency (that isn’t yours):
There’s a number I could select here, but I would go for Badvertising – a campaign that addresses and
puts into context the issue with high carbon advertising.

Best young industry talent:
I’m not sure we’ll be talking about the same industries here, but I’m going to go for one of our own – one Ben Mole of the Sustaining Sport Podcast. Dedicated, hard-working, perceptive, insightful though not always to be trusted (trains, banners – no more will be said).

Best sporting event attended:
Without a doubt, the final of the Women’s Euros. What. A. Day.

Best sporting event on TV:
Ooo a tough one – I'm very fickle. I’m going to go for the Women’s Euros again, but I’m definitely influenced by the upcoming World Cup.

Best brand ambassador:
Instead of brand, I’m going for a cause ambassador here and surely no other’s impact was felt as strongly as Marcus Rashford’s campaigning for Free School Meals. Let it seed some more who stand up for clean air and climate.

Best industry e vent or conference:
Sports Pro Live

Best film containing a scene depicting the sports business:
Old school, and does this count for business? Cool Runnings

Best book recommendation:
Wilding by Isabella Tree

Best bar or pub:
Wiper and True Tap Room

Best restaurant:
Urban Tandoor

Best holiday resort:
Croyd Holiday Park

Best box set:

Best influence on your career:
My sister – she presented me with some books on her wedding day that clearly showed how overstated her image of me was. I felt that I had to live up to that.

Best dinner companions (min 4, max 6):
Marcus Rashford, Michelle Obama, Charlie Brooker, Sean McCab e, Climate Justice Officer of Bohemian FC

Best job in the sports biz:
I’m pretty fond on mine at the moment, but if the novelty wears off I wouldn’t mind heading up sustainability at the FSA.

Best professional regret:
Turning up to a GSIC zoom conference straight off a run, when my presence was projected in large to a room full of suited and booted delegates.

Best skill you most covet:

Best trait you admire in others:

Best overrated virtue
The ability to speak most.

Best ambition:
Actually achieve what you set out to achieve, without being waylaid by ego and politics along the way.

Best outcome of your work:
That people, from individuals to organisations, have a priority metric of success that is based around environmental sustainability and social impact. The very large majority of us want clean air to breath, a habitable space and an environment where everyone can thrive but we're prevented from taking action on this both by the KPIs that are prioritised at work and by the sense of overwhelm and paralysis we feel as individuals in addressing climate change. At Pledgeball we address the latter, with fans, staff and stakeholders across the board, and a shift in the former would really be a game-changer in reducing emissions. It will become a necessity to address this, but we'd have much more of an impact if we get to that point before it becomes an obligatory requirement.