Róisín O’Shea
Chief Growth and Innovation Officer - Epic Global Agency part of Feenix Group

Best pitch presenter you’ve ever seen:
Barry Hearn. He commands the attention of any room, he’s charismatic, he can tell a story, but crucially he can get anyone to see value in what he’s selling. He’s got a knack of turning something others don’t believe in into something people can’t get enough of, and then making it successful.

Best sports marketing campaign (that wasn’t yours):
One I loved recently was the Premiership Women’s Rugby campaign by MATTA called “Powered Differently” to launch the new PWR league. With all of the challenges women’s sport has, I felt that this campaign amplified all the amazing assets women’s sport has. It deliberately celebrated the individuality of the players, it not only used their images but also included their names.

Best agency (that isn’t yours):
I love what WePlay have done over the last few years, also a great team to work with. I also admire the work of Ear to the Ground and Samba Digital.

Best young industry talent:
Dion Williams, Head of Social Media for Cage Warriors. A super dedicated guy, he’s managed to grasp the tone of the brand, be the voice of the promotion and deliver some awesome social stats in his time at Cage Warriors. Definitely one to watch!

Best sporting event attended:
This is so hard, I’ve been lucky enough to be at some incredible events, but the first one I thought of was the Heineken Cup Final, 2008, Millennium Stadium Cardiff. Munster put it all on the line to beat Toulouse and take the trophy. I had just moved to London that year and it was like celebrating a home win in Limerick, every pub in Cardiff had familiar faces and needless to say we made a night of it! Super Saturday at London 2012 wasn’t too bad either!

Best sporting event on TV:
I would argue that with the introduction of VAR, football is becoming better to watch on TV than in the stadium, unless it’s a game at the Arsenal. I also appreciate the likes of F1 on TV more than in person, there’s just so much you miss out on when you’re there. But I am excited about new tech in broadcast, especially with the likes of ASB GlassFloor and Cosm.

Best brand ambassador:
Any female brand ambassador, especially if she’s getting paid her worth. We need more representation, and we need more brands to see the value in using female brand ambassadors especially in sport, and we need them to pay them.

Best industry event or conference:
I think the conference scene needs a shake up. I did enjoy Leaders last year, I like their new additions to the content around the event, but think there’s a lot that could be learned from some of the esports events and conferences like Gamescom for example.

Best film containing a scene depicting the sports business:
Jerry Maguire! Also a huge fan of “A league of their own”.

Best book recommendation:
Choose Possibility - Sukhinder Singh Cassidy. She released this book shortly after she left StubHub when I was working there. It was exactly what I needed to read at the time and I often think back to and remind myself of parts of it.

Best bar or pub:
The Cow, Notting Hill

Best restaurant:
The Devonshire, Soho - strongly recommended!

Best holiday resort:
Not a resort but I try to get to Palma at least once a year, city vibes, stunning beaches and beautiful scenery.

Best box set:
I can’t choose one. It’s a tie between The West Wing, The Wire and Band of Brothers

Best influence on your career:
The incredible Dame Sarah Storey, now 19 time Gold medallist and Britain’s most successful Paralympian ever. I was lucky enough to be her agent for a number of years and learned so much from her. It is no accident she’s been at the top of two sports in her career, she is meticulous, she’s not afraid to question the status quo, she’s a fighter, and never ever settles. I learned how to be brave, ask the questions, take the losses, learn from them and always be better. She inspires me so much and has had a huge impact on how I work.

Best dinner companions (min 4, max 6):
Kara Nortman
Natalie Portman
Serena Williams
Sharon Horgan

Best job in the sports biz:
Nikki Doucet’s job - CEO of NewCo. It’s a hard one, but no better woman for the job! What an awesome opportunity the entire organisation is for women’s football. I’m so excited to see how things improve.

Best professional regret:
Leaving my first job in the UK, at Unicorn Darts. Luckily it led me to my dream job working at London 2012 and I haven’t looked back since!

Best skill you most covet:
I’m good in a crisis, I don’t sit around, I find the solution, fix the problem and worry about the why once it’s sorted.

Best trait you admire in others:
People who believe in and follow their dreams.

Best overrated virtue:
Working every hour of the day and night and not taking holidays. Life is too short.

Best ambition:
To help make sport more of an equal playing field, and be part of the change I want to see in the world, through sport.